Hello to all you lovely people out there!
Happy Valentine's Day, or Single's Awareness Day, whichever you choose to celebrate (if either)!
We hope all of you have had your year start off well with two wonderful months, as we have. We can't thank all our friends in Arizona who came out to our show on January 29th with The Stiletto Formal, as well as our more recent one in Tucson. It was so great to see you all, and we appreciate your support so much; especially all the wonderful comments we got on our new material. Once again, we'd like to give another huge congratulations to our best friends in The Stiletto Formal for releasing such an amazing EP and for all the huge things that are happening to them, and are yet to come. We love you guys, and can't thank you enough for standing so close by our sides these last couple years. We can not wait for the many more amazing times we will share, yet to come. :)
Speaking of new material, that's all we've been up to...making more of it! We recently self-recorded some demos at our practice area of the first four tracks of our record, and we should hopefully have those up on purevolume.com for all of you to check out very soon. We are anxious to get our new music into the ears of all of you. We'll let you know soon when we have those online. Also, our recording plans for the full-length are finally settled and we will be hitting the studio from April into May once again with our dear friend and amazing sound-guru, Bob Hoag.
For our pals in Arizona, we'd like to let you all know that we will be a part of an incredible line-up this Saturday, February 19th featuring the likes of our wonderful friends in Before Braille, Lydia, Bluewall Audience, Thirte FS, For The Record and many many other great bands. The show is a benefit for the late Joseph Dean, and will be held at Mesa Amphitheatre from 2pm-10pm. We will be playing around 7pm, but make sure you come by early to check out all the great music. And guess what? It's only five dollars!!! That's right, for such a miniscule amount of spare change you can support a good cause and come see a ton of awesome bands all day at Mesa Amp. We hope to see you all there. :)
In the meantime, we will keep writing writing writing and eventually recording it all come April! We'll keep you posted when we get those songs up soon, and we will most likely be heading out for a short stint of a tour to some of our favorite places around the southwest before we head into the studio, but we'll let you all know about that when we have more details. We hope you are all doing very well, and can't thank you enough for the continued support. Just know that all six of us love each and everyone of you very very much!
Take care.